Worship Service

Our worship service is held at 1.30 PM every Sunday. The CSI liturgy in English or Malayalam is used for the Holy Eucharist(Communion) and Matins services. Please refer to the church calendar(click here) for upcoming worship services.

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Holy Eucharist Service

We have priests leading Holy Communion Service on 1st, 2nd, 3rd  and 4th Sundays. Schedule may vary, please refer to the church calendar(click here) for upcoming worship services.

Order of Service:

  • Procession: Presbyter(Minister) prays and announces a hymn(Song 1) for the procession. Procession with the person(usually Church Secretary)who carries in both hands the Bible from which the lessons are to be read, followed by the presbyter. The minister receives the Bible and places the it on the Lord’s table or on a lectern.
  • The Preparation: After the hymn, the presbyter facing people says, the people standing- Let us pray and follows the order of worship.
  • Collect for the Day & Lessons Reading: After the collect of the day or another short prayer, is said, Presbyter will call for the First Lesson(Old Testament). After first lesson, the Psalm for that Sunday may be read responsively. After Psalm, the Second Lesson (The Epistle) is read.
  • Gospel Reading: All standing for the Gospel reading. The Presbyter will read the Gospel.
  • Song 2: Hymn may be sung by all standing.
  • Sermon: The Sermon is preached, the people sitting.
  • The Nicene Creed: The Nicene Creed is said by all standing.
  • Prayers: First/Second Litany
  • Breaking of the Bread: All stand.
    • Exchange the peace of Christ: The first and second lesson readers to go forward and receive peace from Presbyter and pass it on to first person at each row.
    • Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Prayers: Usually on 1st Sundays, Presbyter will read names of those who celebrating Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries go to the front and join the offertory prayer. Special song will be sung. Birthday and Wedding offertory will be collected. 
    • Offertory: Song 3 is sung and the Offertory is taken. Treasurer to do the offertory collection and join offertory prayer after.
    • Participate in Holy Communion: The ministers and people receive the bread and wine. Communion Hymn maybe sung during this time.
  • Second Benediction: The presbyter gives the Second Benediction.
  • Announcements: Presbyter calls for Announcements. Church Secretary to go forward and make the announcements.
  • Closing hymn & Recession:
    • When the closing hymn(Song 4) is sung, the Secretary(Bible Carrying Person) followed by the Treasurer(Offertory collector) and the Presbyter joins the recession.
    • After hymn, the Presbyter prays, people standing. Then says: 

      Minister: The Lord be with you  
      People: And also with you   
      Minister: Let us depart in peace   
      People: In the name of Christ. Amen   
      People may kneel, have silent prayer and quietly go out.

Matins Service

We have Matins service lead by our Church Members(View our Matins worship leaders) usually on 4th and 5th Sundays. Also on any Sunday's where Achen(Priest) is not available, we will do Matins. During Matins Service, one of our church member will be giving a Sermon based on that Sunday's theme.

Order of Service:

  • Minister/Person Leading Matins (PLM) prays and announces a hymn
  • All Standing and sing Song 1
  • PLM follows the order of worship for Matins.
  • PLM reads Psalms 100 responsively.
  • All sits for Lessons Reading: First Lesson(Old Testament)
  • All standing, PLM reads the Song of the Zechariah responsively
  • All sits and the Second Lesson will be read(The Epistle)
  • All standing, PLM reads the Song of the Church responsively 
  • Special Psalms for the Sunday will be ready by PLM responsively
  • PLM reads the Gospel for the Sunday
  • PLM announces Song 2 and invites the person giving Sermon to start after the hymn. 
  • All standing and sings Song 2
  • Sermon- the designated person to proceed to the pulpit and give the sermon. All sits as the sermon starts and remain so until it is over.
  • All standing for the Apostle's Creed, read responsively 
  • All sits for the Prayers
    • Lords Prayer- all prays together
    • Special Prayer- read by PLM
    • Collect for the Sundays will be read.
    • Second Litany Prayer
    • Intercessory Prayer by PLM. 
  • Offertory- Song 4 is sung , offertory will be collected at this point.
  • Prayer for Offertory and blessing
  • All sits for announcements.
  • Closing hymn and Prayer: All standing for Song 4. After the hymn, 
    The PLM then prays, people standing.
    Then says:
    PLM: The Lord be with you
    People: And also with you
    PLM: Let us depart in peace
    People: In the name of Christ. Amen

    People may kneel, have silent prayer and quietly go out. 


Contact Info

Worship Address
Community United Methodist Church
5 Damon St
Wayland, MA 01778

Mailing Address
1 Orchard Rd
Southborough , MA 01772

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